
Friday 26 June 2009

The Solar Plexus Reflex

The Solar Plexus Reflex in Reflexology
Within the body, the solar plexus is a network of nerves that is situated directly behind the stomach and is the largest autonomic nerve centre in the abdominal cavity. Nerves branch out from here to all parts of the abdomen and controls many vital functions such as adrenal secretion and intestinal contraction. It is often termed as the “abdominal brain.”

The Solar Plexus is also a point at which one of the main chakras is found and is called the solar plexus chakra or manipura. This chakra is associated with the colour yellow and represents the “self”, individuality, ego, personality, confidence, and self-esteem. It is a personal power centre.

According to Theron Q. Dumont, author of The Solar Plexus or Abdominal Brain,
“its name, “solar”, was bestowed upon it by reason of (1) its central position; (2) the fact that its filaments extend in all directions to the important abdominal organs, like the rays of the sun; and (3) the fact it is recognised as being the power-house, and great reservoir of ”life-force”, just as the sun is the great power-house and reservoir of material energy of our solar system.”
In Reflexology, the Solar Plexus reflex is located on the diaphragm line between zones 2 and 3. To non-reflexologists, this point can be found at the apex of the arch that runs across the base of the ball of the foot. To help locate this reflex, squeeze the sides of your foot together to find the hollow. This hollow is where the solar plexus is.

Working on this reflex can relieve stress and nervousness, aid relaxation and deep regular breathing, and restore a feeling of calm making it beneficial for people suffering from anxiety, depression, stress-related conditions, nervous disorders, asthma, and hyperventilation to name a few. As this reflex helps calm and relax the entire nervous system it should be worked in cases of migraine, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, stroke, Parkinsons’s disease, and any other nervous system disorder.

The Solar Plexus is one of the most important reflexes used in Reflexology and is worked at the beginning and the end of a Reflexology treatment. It allows the therapist time to attune to the client and also allows energies to flow freely between client and therapist. It also prepares the client for the treatment, inducing a state of relaxation and encouraging deep relaxed breathing. According to Valerie Voner, author of Everything Reflexology, when this point is worked it can reduce the congestion felt in other reflexes. So if a reflex is painful, the solar plexus can be worked to help reduce or eliminate this pain response.

The Solar Plexus or the “Bubbling Spring” point, as it is known in acupressure and acupuncture, is the first point on the kidney meridian (K1) and is believed to help with fatigue and lethargy. In the Indian tradition, this point is the Earth chakra which helps balance the whole body, and as in acupressure/acupuncture, it is an important point for grounding and connecting with the earth.

An effective way to work with the Solar Plexus reflex is to place your thumb on the point as pictured and apply pressure for a few seconds then release. Continue to do this for 30 seconds to a minute. You might like to inhale as you press and exhale as you release. You can also press firmly on this point with your thumb and rotate in a clockwise direction – both methods are effective. Repeat this technique on the other foot. If you are not supple enough to reach down to work on your feet, you can also access the solar plexus reflex on the hand.

Reflexology and Acupressureby Janet Wright
True and Useful Blog post - Acupressure Point: Bubbling Spring Point (K 1)
Footworks Blog post - The Solar Plexus - The Abdominal Brain

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1 comment:

  1. Good to know about the control center of most nerves.This discovery could lead to a lot of healing.There could be messages and treatments through the various nerve points.
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